Event Calendar

Autistic Adults NYC Event Calendar


Are you Autistic and interested in joining us for the first time? Check out our New Members Page!

Our events are posted on the last Tuesday of each month at 12:00PM, announcing activities for the upcoming month.

About Our Programs

  • The majority of events we organize are our “general social meetups”. We focus on fostering deep social connections, rather than creating a clinical support group environment.

    In Person Events (Museum visits, park meetups, game nights, holiday gatherings, plant walks, and more!)

    Virtual Events (Hosted on our Discord - Video games, book discussion, movie night, and more! There are also other member led groups on our Discord, such as our Minecraft and DND group.)

  • P.A.U.S.E is a social club for non-speaking, intellectually disabled, and/or high-support needs Autistic adults in the NYC area. Read more on our PAUSE page.

  • We aim to host monthly workshops on topics that are requested by our community.

    Creative-Based Workshops (Painting, doll making, special interest presentations, etc.)

    Educational Workshops (Careers, Independent living, etc.)

  • Alternative Expression is a series of free creativity-based classes and events for the Autistic Community of NYC. Read More

  • As an organization, we strive to advocate for issues related to autism and the wellbeing of the Autistic community, specifically those that affect NYC residents. Advocacy outings are often in-person, grassroots events, led by members of our organization at public locations around NYC. These activities are situation-based, not scheduled on a monthly or weekly basis, and revolve around certain holidays or events in the community.