Blog Submissions

Submit Work to Autistic Adults NYC Blog

We’re taking submissions from Autistic writers/artists to feature on our blog!

Types of content we accept:

  • Short and long form writing (poetry, short stories, reviews, rants, etc)

  • Art

  • Photography

We are looking for stories that revolve around autism, neurodiversity, and disability, but welcome other subjects as well, not limited to special interests, personal experiences, creative topics, media, and more.

We prioritize submissions from our local community, but Autistics from around the world are welcome to submit!

We cannot yet offer funding for writers/artists to be featured on our blog. You will retain full rights to your work, and you are welcome to crosspost to your website/other sites.

We do not post content that goes against our mission and values. This may include hateful/triggering content, ableism, etc.

Submissions are taken on a continuous basis. Submissions must be from adults (18+). We cannot guarantee that your submission will be published on our blog; however, all submissions will be carefully reviewed and you will receive a response.

If you would like to submit your work or have any questions, please email us at with the subject “Blog Submission.”

Please include:

  • Your name/pseudonym

  • Biography (no more than a paragraph)

  • Headshot (optional)

  • Content in a separate file attached to the email


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